The aim of the ACIS project (Intelligent Simulator in Collaborative Immersive Virtual Reality for the prevention of occupational risks due to crushing in metal or plastic industries / Simulador inteligente en Realidad Virtual Inmersiva Colaborativa para la prevención de riesgos laborales por aplastamiento en industrias del metal o plástico) is to develop an immersive virtual reality simulator for training in occupational risk prevention.

Project approved as part of the 2021 call for research projects on occupational risk prevention by public universities of the Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Empleo of the Junta de Castilla y León.

Ref. Number: 2021/00125/001

    • The project specialises in the training of operators, teaching them to interact correctly with different types of industrial machinery (large metalworking machinery, overhead cranes, forklifts, etc.), with the possibility of introducing up to 3 workers at the same time in the same virtual environment, encouraging collaboration as well as learning to avoid occupational hazards.
  • Thanks to Virtual Reality, the operator can experience total immersion, feeling inside the work environment. In addition, this technology makes it possible to collect all the data from their learning process: reaction times, movements made, reactions and decisions taken, places they look at, etc.
  • The project is materialised in educational games with different tests, phases and challenges at various levels of difficulty. The student or worker is accompanied throughout the experience by an intelligent tutor who respects the learning pace of each student and adapts the proposed situations to their way of processing information.


Guillen-Sanz, H., Checa, D., Miguel-Alonso, I. et al. A systematic review of wearable biosensor usage in immersive virtual reality experiences. Virtual Reality 28, 74 (2024).

Miguel-Alonso, I., Checa, D., Guillen-Sanz, H. et al. Evaluation of the novelty effect in immersive Virtual Reality learning experiences. Virtual Reality 28, 27 (2024).

Miguel-Alonso, I., Guillen-Sanz, H., Rodriguez-Garcia, B., Bustillo, A., Design and Development of a Gamified Tutorial for iVR Serious Games, Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning, 2023-October, pp. 411-417.

David Checa, Andres Bustillo, Virtual Reality for Learning, Virtual Reality in Behavioral Neuroscience: New Insights and Methods, Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences (2023) 65, 289–308,

Checa, D., Rodriguez-Garcia, B., Guillen-Sanz, H., Miguel-Alonso, I. (2023). A Framework for Developing Multi-user Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Environments. In: De Paolis, L.T., Arpaia, P., Sacco, M. (eds) Extended Reality. XR Salento 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14218. Springer, Cham.

Serrano-Mamolar, A., Miguel-Alonso, I., Checa, D., & Pardo-Aguilar, C. (2023). Towards learner performance evaluation in iVR learning environments using eye-tracking and Machine-learning. Comunicar, 31(76), 9–20. Retrieved from

Checa D, Bustillo A. Virtual Reality for Learning. Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2023;65:289-307. doi: 10.1007/7854_2022_404. PMID: 36592277.

Miguel-Alonso I, Rodriguez-Garcia B, Checa D, Bustillo A. Countering the Novelty Effect: A Tutorial for Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Environments. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(1):593.

K. Martinez,, M. I. Menéndez-Menéndez, and A. Bustillo. 2022. “A New Measure for Serious Games Evaluation: Gaming Educational Balanced (GEB) Model”, Applied Sciences 12, no. 22: 11757. 

Checa, D., Urbikain, G., Beranoagirre, A., Bustillo, A., & López de Lacalle, L. N. (2022). Using Machine-Learning techniques and Virtual Reality to design cutting tools for energy optimization in milling operations. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1-21.

Checa, D., Bustillo, A., Saucedo-Dorantes, J. J., Osornio-Rios, R. A., & Cruz-Albarran, I. A. (2021, October). Virtual reality-based tool applied in the teaching and training of condition-based maintenance in induction motors. In IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Checa, D., Martinez, K., Osornio-Rios, R., Bustillo, A.. (2021). Virtual reality opportunities in the reduction of occupational hazards in industry 4.0. Dyna, 96(6). 620-626.

Project details

PC Virtual Lab  







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