Cutting tools training program

This simulator allows to learn how the process engineer can build different 3D graphs to compare the expected performance, in terms of power consumption, of different cutting tools proposed by the tool manufacturer for a certain cutting process.


The selection of a proper cutting tool in machining operations is a critical issue. Tool geometric parameters are essential for milling performance. However, the process engineer has very limited experience of the best parameter combination, due to the high cost of cutting tool tests. The same holds true for bachelor studies on machining processes. This study proposes a new strategy that combines experimental tests, machine-learning modelling and Virtual Reality visualization to overcome these limitations.

  • First, tools with different geometric parameters are tested.
  • Second, the experimental data are modeled with different machine-learning techniques (regression trees, multilayer perceptrons, bagging and random forest ensembles). An in-depth analysis of the influence of each input on model accuracy is performed to reduce experimental costs. The results show that the best model with no cutting-force inputs performed worse than the best model with all the inputs.
  • Third, the most accurate model is used to build 3D graphs of special interest to engineering students as well as process engineers, for the optimization of power consumption under different cutting conditions.
  • Finally, a Virtual Reality environment is presented to train engineering students in the study of the best tool design and cutting parameter optimization

Checa, D., Urbikain, G., Beranoagirre, A., Bustillo, A., & Lopez de Lacalle, L. N. (2022). Using Machine-Learning techniques and Virtual Reality to design cutting tools for energy optimization in milling operations. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 35(9), 951-971.

Project details

Cutting Tools 







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